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Distribution & Pricing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Circulation and Pricing - Coursework Example So as to settle on the evaluating procedure of the eatery, let us initially choose the kind ...

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Fixed Costs Per Unit And The Variable Calculation Accounting Essay Example For Students

The Fixed Costs Per Unit And The Variable Calculation Accounting Essay The expression for ciphering the above is the undermentioned high low for the fabrication cost of the association football company The Soccer Ball: High low ( fabricating costs ) and based on the tabular array provided above the consequences are We will write a custom essay on The Fixed Costs Per Unit And The Variable Calculation Accounting specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now = RM 3.25 per cost variable Entire Fixed Cost = Total Cost Total Variable Cost = RM 36,430 3.25 7,000 ) = RM 36,430 22,750 = RM 13,680 Entire Fixed Cost = Total Cost Total Variable Cost = RM 36,430 ( 3.25 7,000 ) =RM 13,680 The Selling Costss for The association football company The Soccer Ball: High depression ( Marketing costs ) and based on the tabular array provided above the consequences are ( RM 65,600 RM 48,000 ) / ( 7000 4800 ) = RM 8.00 Entire Fixed Cost = Total Cost Total Variable Cost RM 65,600 ( RM 8 7000 ) = RM 9,600 The consequences 1. Based on the above consequences the entire variable cost for per unit of association football ball would be ( RM 3.25 + RM 8.00 ) which is RM 11.25. 2. Based on the above consequences the entire Fixed cost for per unit of association football ball would be ( RM 13,680+ RM 9,600 ) which is RM 23,280 A1b ) the tennis ball fixed and variable costs per unit The Tennis Ball: High low ( fabricating costs ) and based on the tabular array provided above the consequences are ( RM 8820 RM 8,160 ) / ( 9800 6800 ) = RM.22/ unit Entire Fixed Cost = Total Cost Total Variable Cost RM 65,600 ( RM.22 9,800 ) = RM 7,664 The Tennis Ball: High depression ( Marketing costs ) and based on the tabular array provided above the consequences are ( RM27,000 RM 21,000 ) / ( 9800 6800 ) = RM 2/ unit Entire Fixed Cost = Total Cost Total Variable Cost RM 27,000 ( RM 2 9,800 ) = RM 7,400 1. Based on the above consequences the entire variable cost for per unit of Tennis ball would be ( RM.22 + RM 2.00 ) which is RM 2.22 2. Based on the above consequences the entire Fixed cost for per unit of Tennis ball would be ( RM 7,664+ RM 7,400 ) which is RM 15,064 Answer 2 The disadvantages of utilizing a high low method are as follows. 1. The high low terminal method is really clip devouring one, it requires a batch of clip to identify in the information. 2. The method can non be applied in topographic points where there is a big sum of informations to be used 3. The use of two utmost informations points is an other draw back in the method. 4. The consequences largely rely on the judgement of the individual executing the analysis. Answer 3: The cost volume analysis for both the companies can be calculated utilizing the below expression The interruption even /unit can be calculated by ( Entire Fixed Costs ) / ( Price VC per unit ) For the Soccer ball = ( RM23,280 ) / ( RM 20 RM11.25 ) = RM 2660-/- For the Tennis ball = ( RM 15064 ) / ( RM 3 2.22 ) = RM 19,313-/- Answer 4 Product Price Unit VC Unit CM The Package Package CM Soccer Ball Tennis Ball RM 20 RM 3 11.25 2.22 8.75 0.78 128 181 1,120 141.18 Entire 1,261.2 Break Even Point for Package = ( RM 23,280 + RM 15,064+RM 130,000 ) /1261.2 = 133.47 Breakeven point for association football ball = 133.47 Ten 128 = 17084 ( Rounded ) Breakeven point for Tennis ball = 133.47 X 181 = 24158. ( Rounded ) Answer 5: Income statement Soccer ball Tennis ball Sum The sale ( 20 17,084 ) 341,680 ( 3 24,158 ) 72,474 414,154 V.C ( 11.25 17,084 ) 192,195 ( 2.22 24,158 ) 53630 245,825 C.M 149,485 18844 168,329 .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .postImageUrl , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:hover , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:visited , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:active { border:0!important; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:active , .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1c64bc10592a9ca295564a1ee9fbcc1f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analysis of the Atomic Bomb EssayF.C 168,344 Answer 6 safety border for association football balls per unit = 10,000 2,660 = 7340 units Safety border for association football balls = 20 7340 = 146,800 safety Margin for tennis balls per unit =30,000 19,312 = 10688 units safety border for tennis balls = 3 10688 = 32,064 Entire border of unit = 18,028 So the Entire border = 178,864 Answer 7 F.C for association football balls = ( RM 13,680 10 % ) + RM 13,680 + RM 9,600 = RM 24,648 V.C for association football balls = ( RM 3.25 10 % ) + RM 3.25 + RM8 = RM 11.58 Product Price Unit V.C Unit C.M Package Package CM Soccer Balls 20 11.58 8.42 128 1077.8 Tennis Balls 3 2.22 0.78 181 141.2 Entire Package 1219 The Breakeven point = ( RM 500,000+RM24,648+15,064 ) /1219 = 443 Breakeven point for Soccer Balls = 443 128 = 56704 Breakeven point for Tennis Balls = 443 181 = 80183 Answer 8 By enabling to cipher the cost of the resources sacrificed or forgone in production of a trade good, comptrollers can accomplish a specific aim to assistance with decision-making. For illustration, costs can find the merchandising monetary value of a merchandise. If the cost of doing that specific merchandise is well high, so it is natural for the direction to raise the monetary value of that merchandise in order to do a satisfied net income. If a concern requires the purchase of a new machinery to increase it s end product but the short-run financess are used for these purchases, this may do working capital jobs. In consequence, the costs of buying new machinery determine the budgeting control of a house. Economists frequently assess the cost of something in footings of the foregone option, the chance cost. For illustration, the cost of buying new machinery with short-run financess will ensue in the house being able to increase its end product, nevertheless it will cut down its liqu idness place. Efficaciously, costs non merely find the gross and net income of the concern, it provides information for directors in direction accounting with assistance to decision-making ( Marcouse, 2003 ) . In dividing each cost harmonizing to how it behaves, the ability to foretell how costs will alter or respond to the alterations in the degree of concern activity or volume can be examined. The categorization of costs will be explained as follows: Variable costs Fixed costs Semi-fixed costs Semi-variable costs Variable costs Variable costs are those that move straight relative to activity ( one unit consequences in RM 1 of variable cost, two units result in RM 2 of variable cost ) ( Dyson, 2001, p.375 ) . They represent payments made for the usage of inputs such as labor, fuel and natural stuffs and if our maker doubled end product so these costs would lift significantly and proportionally. There would be excess costs for the extra natural stuffs and fuel which would be required. Besides, more labors would most probably be required, incurring excess costs in the signifier of rewards. Fixed costs Fixed costs are costs which do non change with altering degrees of activity, for illustration, mill rent, insurance and rates ( Glautier and Underdown, 2001, p.402 ) this means that, when the sale end product rises, fixed costs remain the same. However, the cost per unit of a merchandise reduces as sale end product rises. This is because the cost can be more spread over. An illustration is our new Surrey Quays Factory rent imposed this twelvemonth no affair how much an activity degree additions, the cost of the rent will stay the same regardless. But, suppose the rent was RM 250 per hebdomad fixed and sale end product within that hebdomad increased from 200 units to 500 units ; its original cost per unit was RM 1.25 but with its addition end product of 500 units, cost per unit falls to RM 0.50. .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .postImageUrl , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:hover , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:visited , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:active { border:0!important; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:active , .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u70465522939f8b573137985c8a2118ba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Animal cruelty EssayFixed costs, by definition, stay unchanged over declared scopes in the volume of production ( Wood and Sangster, 2005, p55 ) but if production additions above a certain figure, so what may be considered as a fixed cost of leasing the mill could alter. The concern might necessitate to lease extra premises to fit demand as it increases. It is hence required for the stated scopes to be moderately concise, so that what are considered fixed costs, are costs which are fixed in the short term . ( Wood and Sangster, 2005 ) The ground for this is because a alteration would non usually go on in the short term . From the illustration above, if the demand of ex tra premises were required due to the addition in gross revenues end product, it would still take a piece to lease and put up these new premises before production can get down. Semi-fixed costs Semi-fixed costs are costs composed of a mixture of fixed and variable constituents basically it is a fixed cost that increases in stairss. In the earlier illustration of the rent as a fixed cost, it can be understood that this behavior can be classified as a semi-fixed cost, since the addition of end product outside the scope would ensue in the addition in rent of extra infinite. Semi-variable costs A semi-variable cost is a cost incorporating both fixed and variable constituents and which is therefore partially affected by a alteration in the degree of activity, but non in direct proportion. ( Davies, 2002, p.284 ) Examples of such costs include telephone measure, Internet use and electricity measures.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Matrix

The movie certainly leaves you thinking. This is how it affected me and made me think†¦aside from the obvious storyline. â€Å"The Matix† was obviously made in order to induce wonder along with the deep-thought process. Since you have probably gotten a bunch of movie reports on 1) the action or 2) the religious symbolism, and I don’t really want to write about those things, I am going to write about my thoughts after watching the movie. A few key things: The Matrix=dreaming=heaven How many times have you had a dream where you have brought back to life somebody that you had known before they died? Was it a grandparent, or a friend? Maybe we are not bringing them back to life at all. Maybe we are just momentarily inside their world. Have you ever had a friend who was mad at you, but in a dream everything was ok between the two of you? Maybe on some level the two of you have connected in a place that knows and understands forgiveness (a.k.a. Heaven). So what about nightmares? Consider that Hell is a nightmare. Ever heard the saying that â€Å"You are your own worst enemy,† or how about the one that goes along the line that â€Å"You will punish yourself more than anyone else possibly could?† Perhaps it is true. Having a nightmare is like creating your own personal Hell. The only way out of it is to forgive yourself, because unless you do forgive yourself- who else could possibly forgive you? Perhaps these aren’t the questions that should be asked, though. I am not one to wonder which world is â€Å"real.† I am one to wonder whether a) both worlds actually exist, or b) if they are real, can you exist in both of them at the same exact time? â€Å"The Matrix† is referred to as a dream-like place. My argument for actually existing in the matrix is the old saying, â€Å"I think, therefore I am.† You never cease to think, because if you did you simply would not exist. Therefore, even when you are dreaming†¦yo... Free Essays on The Matrix Free Essays on The Matrix The movie certainly leaves you thinking. This is how it affected me and made me think†¦aside from the obvious storyline. â€Å"The Matix† was obviously made in order to induce wonder along with the deep-thought process. Since you have probably gotten a bunch of movie reports on 1) the action or 2) the religious symbolism, and I don’t really want to write about those things, I am going to write about my thoughts after watching the movie. A few key things: The Matrix=dreaming=heaven How many times have you had a dream where you have brought back to life somebody that you had known before they died? Was it a grandparent, or a friend? Maybe we are not bringing them back to life at all. Maybe we are just momentarily inside their world. Have you ever had a friend who was mad at you, but in a dream everything was ok between the two of you? Maybe on some level the two of you have connected in a place that knows and understands forgiveness (a.k.a. Heaven). So what about nightmares? Consider that Hell is a nightmare. Ever heard the saying that â€Å"You are your own worst enemy,† or how about the one that goes along the line that â€Å"You will punish yourself more than anyone else possibly could?† Perhaps it is true. Having a nightmare is like creating your own personal Hell. The only way out of it is to forgive yourself, because unless you do forgive yourself- who else could possibly forgive you? Perhaps these aren’t the questions that should be asked, though. I am not one to wonder which world is â€Å"real.† I am one to wonder whether a) both worlds actually exist, or b) if they are real, can you exist in both of them at the same exact time? â€Å"The Matrix† is referred to as a dream-like place. My argument for actually existing in the matrix is the old saying, â€Å"I think, therefore I am.† You never cease to think, because if you did you simply would not exist. Therefore, even when you are dreaming†¦yo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Observation Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Observation Review - Essay Example The decision made by Christopher Bale, who was the chief site engineer at a construction firm, where I have worked can be cited as exemplifying the concept of bounded rationality. The work contains my personal observation and experience regarding the decision making process of the organization. In the case, Mr. Bale had decided to increase the working hours of the construction workers to two hours in the morning shift. The normal routine shift usually started from 8 a.m. in the morning and continued till 5pm in the evening. The company had entered into a deal according to which it had to construct a multistoried building. Initially the contract was to be completed in a two years time. But later the contract had to be renewed and its duration was lessened by six months. This put pressure on the executives to complete the work fast. Therefore, the chief site engineer, Mr. Bale, decided to increase the working hours and, correspondingly, compensation of the employees. The decision was n ot favored by the employees as they felt their opinion was not considered. Secondly, a few of the employees who were more than 50 year old felt that it would affect their health if they were made to work beyond the routine hours. Assessment of the Example Using Simon’s Bounded Rationality Theory In the example mentioned above, Bale thought it would be feasible for the company to increase the working hours of the site workers so as to complete the work on time. This is a clear example of bounded rationality as the site engineer had taken the decision after examining the available choices only. He did not have knowledge about the resentment, if any, that would be prevailing among the workers due to the increase in the number of work hours. He was also unaware of the health conditions of the senior employees. The decision taken by Bale can be considered to be an example of decision making based on normative affective factors (Etzioni, 1988). It is more of a normative model becau se Bale made the decision assuming he had all the necessary information needed to make the choice. Thus it was more of a descriptive form of decision making instead of a prescriptive form (Holloway, 2003). This descriptive form of making decisions was termed as bounded rationality by Simon. Simon theorized that human beings often settle for solutions that are mostly satisfying in nature, which means that such solutions, though they are sufficient to cope with the situation, are not the best solutions (Turban, 2008). There are many factors that can affect a decision. These can be psychological, sociological, political, risk avoidance motives, etc. These can influence the choice of the decision made considerably. In the context of the case, it can be understood that the company executives were put under tremendous strain to complete the construction work six months ahead of the contracted time initially stipulated. They had to come up with a solution so as to complete the work fast as their commitment and their reputation were at stake. In such a situation it is possible that when the decisions were made, not all the crucial factors were considered. Two such factors were the workers’ opinions on the decision to increase work hours and the health condition of some workers. The chief site engineer had suggested the idea to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managerial Control Systems (Take home exam) Essay

Managerial Control Systems (Take home exam) - Essay Example to significantly reduce these emissions (p. 81). The choice of approach depends upon the nature of the business, its motivations and objectives, and the environment it functions in. As a result, there is no one best way by which organizations may achieve their carbon emission targets. The advantages to the firm in the second to the fourth approaches are self-evident, in that energy savings which reduce emissions reduce costs, and the positive publicity enhances the firm’s standing among its consumers. The first approach has to do with the trading of emissions certificates, wherein businesses whose operations require higher emissions purchase pollution permits from other firms who do not need theirs. In this manner, firms who reduce their emission levels have no need for their emission certificates, and may sell them to other firms and therefore earn revenue. Answer to Question No. ... Future-oriented routinely generated information for MCA refers to monetary carbon operational budgeting for short-term decision-making and carbon long-term financial planning long term decision making. Physical carbon accounting (PCA). For PCA, the past oriented routinely generated information includes carbon flow accounting for short-term decision making and carbon capital impact accounting for long-term decision making. The future-oriented routinely generated information for PCA refers to physical carbon budgeting in the short-term and long-term physical carbon planning for the long term. Both MCA and PCA are essentially interrelated. For instance, past-oriented monetary EMA relies on physical information regarding the flow of materials and energy made available by materials flow accounting approaches. On its own, however, past-oriented information is limited. It helps management discern sources of inefficiencies; thereafter, future-oriented information becomes necessary to forecas t the future effects of changes adopted at present (Abdel-Kader, 2011, p. 62). As for short-term information, this is useful where financial data is less volatile. When the data is characterised by high volatility, the long-term focus on carbon-related information becomes more suitable and reliable (Rajapakse & Wang, 2004). Answer to Question No. 3 Various factors influence the volume and type of information that an environmental management accounting (EMA) system provides. Among these are the number, type and functions of managers seeking information from the EMA system and the kind of decisions supported by this information. The structure of the organization and the manner in which its units relate to each other

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Description of Target Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Description of Target Audience - Essay Example The athletes have their own specific style of playing a sport. These audiences can identify the major positive outcomes or the concerns with the co-athlete. The athletes may be a serious resource in locating the best ways to crack a selection process. The athletes are the people who can rate the kind of effort you have had put in the game or event. So, the athletes are the valuable audience to validate your performance. The athletes serve as a word of mouth propaganda tool for promoting to an authenticate source. The sports institutions are the first major path which would open the competition to show case your skills in your concerns region. The athletic institutions are set up to capture the glimpse of the regional talent in a concerned region. The institutions are provided with the standards the athlete should meet on which the potential Olympic athlete can work on. The athlete institutions provide necessary infrastructure with the support of various government and private sports promoters. The tools and expertise provided in the institutions can add on for to focus more enhancing the performance level. The coaching these institutions provide for a group will certainly provide a platform to share the expertise among the peers. The potential athlete should therefore should therefore more conscious about the kind of sport he is into, the kind of institution he/she target, he/she should have a clear idea of the kind of the exposure he/she will get. The potential athlete should chalk down the selection process clearly to join the sports institution. The coaches are the knowledge banks about the intricities involved in the achieving the highest level of standards. A sports coach creates the right conditions for learning to happen and to provide the motivating factors both physically and mentally to the athletes. Athletes who are highly motivated to their task can seek the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Introduction Why Use OPNET Modeler Computer Science Essay

Introduction Why Use OPNET Modeler Computer Science Essay OPNET Modeler is a very good tool for network designing and simulation. OPNET Modeler was selected because most of the wired and wireless network components are available in the OPNET 15.0 Modeler. In this version a number of different models can be created to simulate, analyze and compare their results. This chapter explains how the different wired and wireless network has been designed and simulated in OPNET Modeler. In this project different scenario for Ethernet, DSL, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX in two different projects has been created in OPNET Modeler 15.0 . There is also a comparison between the wired and wireless networks. The Ethernet network is compared with the Wi-Fi network and the DSL network is compared with the WiMAX network. Overview of OPNET Modeler OPNET stands for Optimized Network Engineering Tool. The OPNET Modeler is a very powerful tool for the network modeling and simulation. The purpose of the OPNET Modeler is to optimize cost, efficiency, performance, viability and scalability characteristics of the network. In addition OPNET Modeler has a huge library of nodes(fixed, mobile or satellite), links(simplex, duplex, wired or wireless), and subnets, which are used to design and simulate network configuration, protocols, traffic and end user applications. OPNET Modeler has three hierarchical levels or editors. These are Project Editor Project editor is also known as network editor. The project editor is the key staging area for modeling a network simulation. In the project editor a network can be created by using the nodes, link, and subnets from the standard library, then select statistics, run the simulation and view the results of the network. FIGURE: Node Editor To built models of nodes the node editor is used. Node editor specifies the internal structure of the network node. The node includes workstations, satellite terminals, switches, and remote sensors. The OPNET node has a modular structure. The packets and status information are exchanged between modules which are connected via packet streams or statistic wires. Every module performs specific function, such as generating packets, processing packets, transmitting and receiving packets or queuing packets. FIGURE Process Editor The process editor is used to design process models, which controls the basic functionality of node models generated in the node editor. The process models are represented by Finite State Machines (FSMs). The FSMs are generated with icons, which show states and lines which shows transitions between states. The process models are expressed in C or C++ language. Figure In this chapter four different scenarios are discussed. These are Scenario1: Ethernet Network Model In this scenario a new wired network for Ethernet is created in OPNET Modeler as shown in figure. This scenario is created for campus network. In this scenario seven workstations are connected to the switch. With the help of a router the switch is connected to the server. The switch is connected to the router which is connected to the server. Ethernet links are used to connect all these nodes with each other. The server provides different applications used for the workstations. For this network model we also need to define the applications and profiles by adding a node for the application and profile. The workstations are associated with the profiles in order to use different applications. H:snapshots 1ETHERNET.bmp Figure Ethernet Network Model The nodes used in this scenario is Node Name Description Applications Profiles Server Router Switch Workstation How to configure Nodes The configuration of each node is as follow Application Configuration The application configuration is the most important node in the network design. By default the application configuration has a maximum of sixteen services, which are supported by the OPNET Modeler. These are http, ftp, e-mail, print etc. In this scenario the default services are selected as shown in the figure To configure the application node right click on it, select Edit Attributes a dialogue box will open. Change the name field value to application. Expand the Application Definitions row, select the default option while left other setting at default as shown in the figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)ETHERNET APPLICATIN CONFIG.bmp Figure: Ethernet Application Configuration Profile Configuration The profile configuration allows us to define a user or a group of user to the application services supported by the network. For this scenario one profile is defined namely shahid. The profile node can be configured by expanding the profile configuration row. Define the profile namely shahid also define the applications and change the operation mode to simultaneous while left the other setting at default as shown in figure To configure the profile configuration right click on it, select Edit Attributes a dialogue box will appear. Change the name field value to profiles. Expand the profile configuration row, select edit. Then define the profile namely shahid also define the applications and change the operation mode to simultaneous while left the other setting at default as shown in figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)ETHERNET PROFILE CONFIG2.bmp Figure: Ethernet Profile Configuration Server Configuration The server can generate the applications traffic such as http, ftp, e-mail, print etc. This traffic can be sent to the workstations with the help of router and switch which are connected through Ethernet links. In the server configuration, three applications supported services were defined namely http, ftp, and e-mail while all other settings are left at default as shown in figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)ETHERNET SERVER.bmp Figure Ethernet Server Configuration Workstation Configuration The workstation can also generate the applications traffic, which can be sent to the server through the network to the server. The workstation can be configured by selecting the Application Supported Profiles namely shahid while left all the other parameters at default as shown in the figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)ETHERNET WKSTN CONFIG.bmp Figure: Ethernet Workstation Configuration Router and Switch The functions of both the router and switch are almost the same. Both are forwarding the traffic to the end nodes. The router and switch are connected to each other through Ethernet link. Scenario2: WLAN Network Model In scenario 2 a wireless network model for WLAN is created in OPNET Modeler as shown in figure. This scenario is also created for the campus network. This scenario is similar to scenario1 with slight changes. In scenario2 the switch of scenario 1 is replaced with the wireless access point (AP) and also the workstations are replaced with the wireless LAN workstations. The main function of the wireless access point is to transmit and receive the wireless signals. The access point is connected to the router which is then connected to the server through Ethernet link as shown in figure. C:Usersshahid aliDesktopUntitlrgregreeddfgdfg.png Figure: WLAN Network Model The nodes used in scenario2 is Node Name Description Applications Profiles Server Router Wireless Access Point Wireless LAN Workstations The configuration of all the nodes except the wireless access point (AP) and wireless workstations are the same which are discussed in scenario1. The configuration of the wireless access point (AP) and the wireless workstations are as follow. Wireless access point (AP) configuration The wireless access point (AP) transmits and receives the wireless signals. The wireless access point can be configured by expanding the wireless LAN parameters. The access point functionality should be enabled so that this node can transmit the wireless signals. The BSS Identifier value is set to 0. If there is another wireless access point (AP) in the network then its BSS Identifier value must be different. The other setting is left at default as shown in figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)WLAN AP CONFIG.bmp Figure: WLAN Wireless Access Point (AP) Configuration Workstation configuration The workstation configuration is the same as the workstation configuration in scenario1. But in this scenario the BSS identifier value for the workstations is also defined. The BSS Identifier value is set to 0. This value must be the same as the wireless access point BSS Identifier value. The access point functionality is disabled for the workstations. The remaining settings are left at default as shown in figure. H:SNAPSHOT22)WLAN WKSTN APLICATION AND WIRELASS CONFIG.bmp Figure: WLAN Workstations Configuration Scenario3: DSL Network Model In this scenario a wired network model is created for the DSL using the OPNET Modeler. In this scenario four workstations are connected to the switch through the Ethernet links. The switch is connected to DSL modem. The DSL modem is connected to the DSLAM via the DSL links. The type of DSL used for this scenario is Asymmetric DSL (ADSL). The ADSL has a high downstream data rate than the upstream data rate. The function of the DSLAM is to linked several users to the high speed backbone network. The DSL modem is used to send and receive signals. The DSL modem has internal signal splitter that carries voice signal on the low frequencies and carries data signal above that frequencies. With the help of IP cloud the DSLAM is connected to the server via the PPP link. The figure shows the DSL network model. C:Usersshahid aliDesktopSHANPSHOT33DSL.bmp Figure: DSL Network Model The nodes and links used in scenario3 are Node/Link Name Description Applications Profiles Server Router Switch Workstation IP Cloud DSLAM DSL modem PPP Link DSL Link Ethernet Link The configuration of each node and applications taken for this scenario is the same as discussed in scenario1 and scenario2. For scenario3 the profile name is different, here the profile name is SHAH. Scenario4: WiMAX Network Model In scenario4 a wireless network model for the WiMAX is created using OPNET Modeler. This scenario is the same to scenario3 but there is a slight changes. A new node is added for the WiMAX configuration. Without this node the WiMAX network will not work. In this scenario the DSL modem is replaced with the WiMAX basestation, the switch is replaced with the subscriber station and the workstations are replaced with the wireless workstations. The WiMAX basestation will transmits the wireless signal over a long distance. The subscriber station which is found at the costumer site receives this signal, which is then sent to the wireless workstations. The subscriber station and the WiMAX basestation communicate through air interface-. The WiMAX basestation is communicating to the server through the ip cloud and router via PPP link. The figure shows WiMAX network model. C:Usersshahid aliDesktopSHANPSHOT33WIMAX.bmp Figure: WiMAX Network Model The nodes and links used for scenario4 are Node/Link Name Description Applications Profiles Wimax config Server Router Ip cloud WiMAX basestation Subscriber station Workstation Link

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Puerto Ricans Immigrating to America Essay -- Puerto Rican History Cul

Puerto Ricans Immigrating to America The migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States occurred in two major waves. The first wave was in the 1910s-1940s and the second wave was from the 1960s to the 1990s. Each wave of migrants brought new generations of Puerto Ricans to the United States. Both waves of migrants believed that they were going to live a better life in America and migrated to major cities such as New York City, Chicago, Hartford, etc. The early migrants looked for industrial jobs such as in cigar factories while the later migrants found agricultural work such as in tobacco fields. The communities in which they lived grew larger and larger due to chain migration and because of this, the need for politics evolved. However, the type of politics that evolved as a result were different for each wave, yet had many similarities as well. If you would like to learn a little more about Puerto Rican migration itself, read Jamie Hellman's paper and Shakira Ramos' which goes into more depth. Class politics was the major form of politics that evolved during the early half of the twentieth century. According to Bernardo Vega, the tabaqueros were the only organized group in existence. They formed many clubs whose membership was not limited to Puerto Ricans only. Although the clubs consisted mainly of Cuban and Puerto Ricans, other people of different ethnic origins were members. One reason for this can be that the main leaders were exiles who had radical views and wanted change quick. Their concern was of homeland issues and they fought for independence from Spain. Concentrating on home issues, they paid no attention to their hostland (meaning America) issues because they lived with the belief that they were... ...from The Commuter Nation: Perspectives on Puerto Rican Migration," ed. By Carlos Antonio Torre, Hugo Rodriguez Vecchini, and William Burgos. (Rio Piedras, PR: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1994), 313-328 2. James Dietz, Migration and International Corporations: The Puerto Rican Model of Development," ed. By Carlos Antonio Torre, Hugo Rodriguez Vecchini, and william Burgos. (Rio Piedras, PR: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1994), 153-170 3. Tom Seidl, Janet Shenk, and Adrian DeWind, "The San Juan Shuttle: Puerto Ricans on Contract," from The Puerto Ricans: Their History, Culture, and Society, ed. by Adalberto Lopez. 2d. Ed. (New York: Shenkman, 1980), 417-431 . Video: "Pa’lante, Siempre Pa'lante!" [The Story of the Young Lords Party], Written and Directed by Iris Morales.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Espalier's Syndrome is a type of pervasive developmental disorder (PAD). These types of disorders (PAD) have delays Is the development of basic skills such as, the ability to socialize, to communicate, and to use Imagination. Children with Espalier's typically have normal intelligence and language development, but these could change as they get older. This disorder was declared official In 1944 by an Austrian doctor, Hans Aspirer. How Is Espalier's different from Autism? Children with AS don't have a delay in cognitive development or developing language skills.Children with Autism tend to have difficulty with symbolic thinking and pretend play. Another difference is the severity in symptoms, someone with AS can just be mistaken for a normal person behaving differently. Autistic kids will seem uninterested and stand-offish, where AS you want to fit in and interact with others (NAME). Symptoms of Espalier's can range from mild to severe, common symptoms are, problems with social skills , eccentric or repetitive behavior, unusual precautions or rituals, limited range of interest, coordination problems, lastly, skilled and talented (WebMD).I wouldn't necessarily say that the symptoms of AS are normal types of symptoms you would see In other disorders, but beneficial. Normal to above average Intelligence Is normal for AS but they usually have troubles with social Interactions. Anxiety, frustration, and depression are 3 common contributed behaviors. The cause for Aspirer†s remains unknown, but it has been seen to run in families so it could possibly be inherited. This disorder is classified under unique, the exact number of people with this disorder is unknown but they estimate 1 in every 250 children (WebMD).Studies say it is four times for likely to appear in males than females and is usually diagnosed in children between the ages of 2 and 6 years old (WebMD). Diagnosing Espalier's Is not the easiest, there Is no specific test that can tell you If you have Esp alier's Syndrome, you have to go through a series of test such as, x-rays and blood work. Doctors will also complete a physical examination because It has been see that patients with Espalier's have low muscle tone and dysphasia. If there is no physical disorder found you may be sent to see a specialist in childhood development disorders.There is no cure for Espalier's but there is treatment to elf improve. The treatments include special education, behavioral modifications, speech, physical and occupational therapy, and last, social skills therapy (WebMD). With effective treatment, children with Espalier's can learn to overcome or control their disability and repetitive tendencies. Adults with this disorder work successfully but sometimes still struggle with maintaining an independent life. All treatments work differently for everyone, some not at all. In an article on treatments for AS from Psych Central It stated that â€Å"According to the National Institute of NeurologicalDisor ders and Stroke, the Ideal treatment for Espalier's coordinates therapies that address the three core symptoms of the disorder: poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness. † Parenting a child with Espalier's is not easy, it has its difficulties. If you have a child who has been yourself you will be able to help your child grow to their fullest. A daily schedule has shown to help a lot. In the schedule include specific times for therapies, school, meals, and bedtime. If you have to make a change to the schedule, alert your child forehand so they can adjust.Having a â€Å"safe place† in your home will benefit your child because they will have a place to relax and feel secure. Children with Espalier's tend to get irritated somewhat quickly, causing them to lash out, if your child does so, sending them to their safe place can help them collect, and calm down. A main concern with parents who have a child with AS is their social life at school, â€Å"will my child have friends? † is a common question most parents ask. Most kids still live a normal social life throughout school. They make new friends; it's Just harder on some Han others.Identifying children with the same interest as yours can make it a lot easier on the child. Encouraging your child to develop their strengths and interest and to Join clubs or participate in any after school activities is a great way for their social skills to become stronger, especially as they grow older and move into middle/ high school. Many people don't know when a child has AS because it is so hard to see, it's not like other syndromes or disorders that develop physical traits. When you are the sibling of an AS patient it can also be stressful for you.Some siblings can come Jealous or embarrassed of their brother/sister because the parent(s) focus more of their time and attention on them. Some siblings may need to learn how to look out for themselves because some AS p atients have a hard time controlling their frustration or anger. Sticking up for a brother/sister whom suffers from AS is the best thing a sibling could do, it shows that even though you may not always get along, you love them and care for them. This can make them feel accepted or normal because it's something that a â€Å"normal† sibling would do for another.I have a younger sister who has AS and it can be hard. She is 8 years younger than I so we tend to bicker. When she is put in a situation where she has to be independent, say ask a stranger for directions, she becomes very nervous and her anxiety shoots through the roof. If she is upset and you continuously ask her what is wrong, she will lash out and become violent. Sometimes she won't remember what she said or did. When she has these tantrums we usually let her calm down and relax until we confront her about them. Sports and horses have been a huge help with her anxiety and AS.By interacting with other kids her age she has learned to be less socially awkward. Medications does play a role in her daily life, she takes medicine once a day at night before bed. The medication is supposed to help with her anxiety and aggressive tendencies. Not only do children struggle with AS but so do adults. An adult with AS may have difficulties understanding other people emotions, they can misinterpret others facial expressions and body language for something else. This can cause someone with AS to come off as selfish, egotistical, or uncaring (Better Health).When a person with AS is notified about their actions they may come off as shocked and set because neurologically they are unable to understand other people's emotions. Overall adults have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses; they are able to learn social skills People think that Just because you have a disability, it means you can't have a romantic relationship with someone. Adult with AS still have romantic relationships, according to t he Better Health Channel â€Å"Studies suggest that many struggle with the myriad of complex skills required to successfully negotiate intimate relationships†.Sometimes they can come off as inappropriate or immature cause they are unaware of what is right and wrong to say or do. When in a relationship, a partner can become frustrated because of unfair distribution of responsibilities. When the partner expresses their feelings of frustration to the AS partner, they come off baffled because they don't realize what they are doing. Having a career and being an AS patient is very normal, you could be working with someone with AS and not even know it. People with AS can excel in a lot of different areas, such as mathematics, music, or being visually creative.Some careers for AS patients that re visual thinkers are computer programming, drafting, photography, or equipment design (Better Health). If you are a music or math fanatic some career choices may be accounting, telemarketer, pianist, or a Journalist. Working with an AS person is not hard, communicating clearly is a good way for your AS employee to work to their fullest ability. Only expect one project at a time, putting too much stress on them can cause anxiety or them to lash out. Being specific with what you want from them is another way for them to be the best employee.When they know what is expected room them they will give it, Just like any other employee, you Just have to be clear, straight forward, and specific. AS employees are seen to be the most hardworking and dedicated employees a business could have. In conclusion to my research paper, I think that Espalier's Syndrome is a rare diagnosis that carries beauty. These people are so bright and intelligent that you'd never even know they had AS. They live normal lives and have good Jobs Just like a number of normal people. They may have some social setbacks here and there but with time and the right treatments they can overcome anything.I think t hat everyone should be given an equal chance no matter what they're disability may be. My sister being 12 and a AS patient, she is heading into middle school, a stressful time for someone with AS. Between her therapies and medications she has learned to control her symptoms and by participating in after school activates, even though they might stress her out, she has gained so many friends, more friends than I ever did in middle school. I hope this paper helped you learn about Espalier's Syndrome and can help you understand more of what it really is.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Successful Writing of a Linguistics Term Paper

Successful Writing of a Linguistics Term Paper Writing a term paper is a difficult task for many students, especially during the first years of studying. Students tend to be frightened by the prospect of writing term papers because this type of work usually accounts for a large part of the semester grade. Thus, if a student wants to avoid the struggle and any doubts, he or she should consider the basic principles and guidelines for the successful performance of the work. To be more precise, checking the specific rules for writing a paper in a particular field should be the first step in the process. To help achieve the highest academic goals, this guide focuses on the practical principles for writing a linguistics term paper with ease and confidence. What Is a Linguistics Term Paper And How Does It DIffer from a Research Paper? A term paper in Linguistics is an original academic work that covers the specific topic with the consideration of relevant theoretical literature and empirical studies. The paper deals with a scientific study of either single or several languages. Linguistics term paper can be theoretical and empirical (practical). Depending on the chosen approach for the study, the structure and the content of a linguistics paper would differ. Furthermore, while some people tend to confuse a term paper and a research paper, there are several differences between them. A term paper contains a critical examination of a topic and the student’s opinion. In this type of work, a student is required to demonstrate a profound understanding of the topic and to present convincing arguments supported by credible scholarly sources. On the contrary, research papers are written to study a theoretical question which has not been researched effectively. A research paper may be more complicated because the writer is supposed to conduct research, provide the collected results, and to connect them to the analyzed academic literature. A term paper may also contain the parts of the research if the student considers the empirical approach of writing. Understanding the goal of a certain type of paper is one of the keys to proper writing. What Students Are Expected to Demonstrate in a Linguistics Term Paper: they have acquired proper knowledge in a particular field; they can choose a topic relevant and significant to the specific field; they learned how to collect, analyze, and use academic sources in a paper; they can make own conclusions based on the studied literature; that they can follow the principles of academic language and style. While writing, it is important to remember that the main goals of the term paper are to review information learned over an academic term and to develop a better understanding of a particular topic. How to Choose a Suitable Topic? The topic of the work can be assigned by the professor, or students can choose it by themselves. The second option is preferable because in that case, people study a subject that is interesting to them. Once the field of the study is identified, it is possible to start looking for a topic worth investigating. In choosing a topic, the most important aspect is to be specific and avoid generalization. For instance, if a writer chooses the branch of Stylistics, the bad example of the topic may sound like â€Å"Characteristics of Science Fiction.† Instead, a more sophisticated topic in that area suitable for the research may look like †Linguistic Aspects of Science Fiction Genre in Modern Literature.† Below are some other examples of good and bad topics to help you. Examples of good topics: The Interplay of American and British Versions of the English Language at Present Time; The Comparison of Linguistic Politeness of the Japanese and English Languages; The Use of Acronyms and Abbreviations in English Informal Communication; Word Formation in Slang Language of the U.S. College Students. These topics are specific and reflect the narrowed area of the chosen field. Examples of bad topics: Origins of the English Language; Why is Linguistics Important? Introduction to Translation; The Comparison of the English and Japanese Languages. These topics are too broad, meaning that it would be difficult to provide a comprehensive analysis of any of them in a paper. Moreover, some other things to consider when choosing a topic is the level of expertise in the particular area and the availability of the sources. If the subject is too difficult, it will be troublesome to finish the paper. Also, before starting to write on a chosen subject, it is necessary to determine whether there is enough information for the study. Students may begin by searching for the keywords and titles of the topic on the Internet search engines and then proceed to library databases. Structure of the Linguistics Term Paper as Explained by Our Writers As it has been discussed, the linguistics term paper can be theoretical and empirical. Most term papers are required to utilize both approaches to the study. Hence, below is provided the structure of an empirical term paper: Title Page (a title of the paper and students name); Table of Contents (a list of sections with page numbers); Introduction (description of the area of research, the question posed in the paper, the reason for the study, and a brief overview of the research); Theoretical Part (reflection on the literature studied for the paper and demonstration of an understanding of the major concepts of the area); Research Methodology (relation of the ways the data was collected and analyzed); Results (presentation of the findings based on the methodology); Discussion (interpretation of the findings and explain their significance); Conclusion (summary of the paper and statement of the answer to the posed question); List of References (a list of literature and other sources used for writing the paper). The introduction and theoretical part should not constitute a large part of the paper. These sections should account for less than half of the paper. The larger part of the text belongs to the remaining sections. The term paper incorporates most sections of the research paper, plus the theoretical part. If a paper must be completely theoretical, such sections of the research paper, as the methodology, results, and discussion can be removed. They can be replaced with a more elaborate investigation of relevant theoretical literature to reflect on the topic. Drafting the Outline The outline is an essential part of the writing process, especially when it comes to larger texts. Drafting an outline will help create a well-structured paper with a logical connection of ideas. While writing an outline, it is necessary to remember that is it based on the structure of the paper. Any outline contains the major elements of the essay, that is the introduction, body, and conclusions. Students should start planning with these three basic elements and then proceed to add more sections to the outline. The Theoretical Background For the theoretical part of the paper, the student is required to analyze and reflect on a great amount of information collected from a variety of sources. While writing this section, the student studies the articles from different specialized linguistic sources, such as the scientific journals, textbooks, and dictionaries. First of all, in the theoretical part, a writer should state the essence of the posed question or studies problem. Then, he or she needs to provide a theoretical framework of all components of the problem and analyze them from different perspectives. Next, discuss the research that has been already done on the problem. One of the important aspects of the theoretical part is presenting and explaining terminology relevant to the question. Finally, in case a term paper has an empirical part, a writer must state a hypothesis which will be supported with the data in the next sections. What to Include in the Methodology Section? An empirical study typically requires the section for methodology. In brief, this section states which method was used to acquire the data and how it was analyzed. Depending on the type of research, the methodology in a Linguistics paper may include the details about the subjects, materials, techniques, corpus, and the procedures of the research. The methods to use largely depend on the essence of the research. For instance, if the study includes human subjects, some useful methods for linguistic research would be a questionnaire, observation, and interview. The elements of the methodology section also depend on the type of data. Thus, in research which presupposes the use of subjects, it is important to characterize the chosen subjects (e.g., age, nationality), state the used materials (e.g., questionnaires), as well as to indicate the procedures (e.g., time, setting) of the specific ways the data was collected. For the research which is based on the study of corpora, students should describe the corpus design and briefly explain the reason for choosing it. Also, they should not forget to mention the problems that were encountered while collecting the data and show the way these hardships were managed. Finally, once these parts of the section are covered, it is necessary to state the process of the analysis and categorization of the collected data. The Main Points of the Results and Discussion Sections In the Results section, students must provide a detailed description of the findings that were discovered during the research. A convenient way to present quantitative data is by including graphs and tables. However, do not just include them without any explanation. Briefly discuss the material presented in the tables and graphs. In the Discussion section, writers usually give a summary of the results and connect the findings to the theoretical background. Finally, comes demonstration how the results help answer the questions and hypothesis stated in the paper. How to Find Sources? A good list of sources is one of the keys to the successful writing of the paper. Most relevant material appropriate for academic work can be found in research published in scholarly journals as well as textbooks, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. For instance, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Encyclopedia of Language Linguistics, a variety of Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics. Probably, the primary source for searching information among most students is the Internet. Search for the keywords of the chosen topic online. It is useful not to search the whole Internet, but to consider specialized websites which collect scientific works and references to them. Below are some of the examples of such websites with either open or limited access to sources and references: journals.sagepub.com scholar.google.com books.google.com openlibrary.org researchgate.net ebsco.com worldcat.org If a paper considers corpus as the base for the research, the sources discussed above should serve as the secondary material. The primary material should be the actual linguistic data in the form of either written text or audio recordings. For example, let’s suppose that a task supposes corpora in the English language. In that case, some of the examples of available corpora which can be used as the primary material are: The British National Corpus; Corpus of Contemporary American English; The International Corpus of English. Many other websites for exploring English corpora can be found here. While the Internet is a good source for finding information, students should not forget to visit the college library to discover scientific literature. In addition, some schools provide access to various closed online libraries and databases, so do not hesitate to check if they contain any useful sources. Citation of Sources Many students struggle with citing the sources properly. An instructor may demand to write a term paper in a certain style, whether APA or MLA. Depending on the style, the citations can vary. All information and instructions on proper citation and referencing can be found on the Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab. Since the APA formatting is usually a preferable style for papers in linguistics, here are some of the examples of proper APA citations: Martin, J. R. (2009). Genre and language learning: A social semiotic perspective. Linguistics and Education, 20(1), 10-21. doi:10.1016/j.linged.2009.01.003. Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Britain, D., Clahsen, H., Spencer, A. (2010). Linguistics: An Introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. Also, do not forget about in-text citations and paraphrasing. Direct citations in APA style, require the page number. For example: â€Å"A central idea of Relevance Theory is that an utterance is relevant to a hearer when the hearer can gain positive cognitive effects from that utterance† (Radford et al., 2009, p. 399). What to Do Next? After finishing writing the paper, there should be no rush to submit it to the teacher. Many students tend to overlook various mistakes which can significantly decrease their grade for the term paper. Proofreading the paper is one the most important steps in the post-writing process. Sometimes, it may be difficult to notice minor mistakes in such a big text, so it is recommended to let somebody else proofread your term paper. Moreover, the presented ideas should be logically connected to make the general sense of the paper. To understand whether a paper is ready, these questions could challenge it: Is paper well-structured and properly divided into paragraphs? Does each paragraph have one main idea? Do all of the discussed ideas support my thesis? Are all ideas taken from the sources cited? Are all of my citations explained? Does paper have any grammatical, stylistic, or lexical mistakes? Does the paper correspond to the required formatting? Once all works in polishing the paper are finished, a writer can be proud of the final work. The stated above information should be kept in mind for writing the next papers.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Golden Age of Microbiology essays

The Golden Age of Microbiology essays What would the human race be like if we did not have some of todays modern medicines? It would probably be just like it was 200 years ago. Doctors claiming to know cures forsome of the worlds most infectious diseases, and then treating them in the some of themost inhuman ways. People would be dieing from infections left and right. And even worse, we would not know how to cure most of their diseases. The world populationwould probably be half the size that it is today. But, thanks to the Golden Age ofMicrobiology, and the people who tried to find cures and such, we now have ways to over come most of the worlds diseases. The Golden Age was only 20 years long, from 1880 to about 1900. It was the time when about three scientists helped to better sciences technologies and cures. The first of these three was Pasteur. Some of his contributions to science were the creation of silk and a cure for rabies. But one of the most important of all of his findings was the idea of pasteurization. Around the time of 1870, there was a problem with the making of beer and wine. The companies could not figure out a way to keep their products from becoming sour. Pasteur then came up with the idea of adding many different elements to the products and then refrigerating them for a long period of time. Thus came the idea of The second out of the three was Robert Koch. Koch was mostly into the study of microbiology and bacteriology. Most of his researching was done under the microscope, but he realized that he could not totally determine what a certain bacteria classified as. He discovered that if you were to add a stain to slide that you would be able to make out the bacteria about 10x better. Koch also noticed that sometimes you cant always find bacteria in just one sample of something that is contaminated. So, he came up with the ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Effects of Frederick Taylors Scientific Management Essay

The Effects of Frederick Taylors Scientific Management - Essay Example Taylor’s theories can be seen in many organizations that exist today, but perhaps most easily in the processes that characterize the popular fast food chain McDonalds, especially if one studies the means by which the company has redesigned their work areas to produce the greatest possible product in the least amount of time with the fewest manpower hours necessary to keep customers happy. Taylor’s theory centered around the concept that management and the workforce should work in tandem for a mutual benefit, but that it was essential for management to make benefits directly applicable to the employee who worked hard. He noted that â€Å"there is no question that, throughout the industrialized world, a large part of the organization of employers, as well as employees, is for war rather than peace† (Taylor, 1911: 67). In order for an organization to prosper, Taylor argued, it was necessary for the organization to enable and encourage the employee on an individual basis to reach their full efficiency. â€Å"In a word, that maximum prosperity can exist only as the result of maximum productivity† (Taylor, 1911: 68). The only way to encourage the individual to strive to their full efficiency, though, was to enable them to receive some kind of direct benefit, such as a higher wage for a higher productivity. This involved not only the establishment of a workplace that was conducive to the human body and its needs in performing the tasks at hand, but also to training and personal development among staff members. One of the ways of accomplishing this goal was by direct wage increases based on an individual’s increased productivity or expertise. Another was through the efficient organization of the production floor.

Friday, November 1, 2019

American History X Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American History X - Research Paper Example While in prison, Derek decides to take a new turn after a visit by his former Black English teacher Dr Sweeney. A brutal rape by Aryan Brotherhood prison gang fuels the transition after his defection. However, on leaving prison, Danny had stepped in his shoes and joined Neo Nazi movement. Derek has to fight to achieve a new life for himself and Danny. The film is full of flashbacks, employing the language of racism to capture sophisticated variations. On TV news, Derek narrates how his father had tutored him to racism through his dinner table conversations not forgetting his death in the hands of black narcotics. The film is full of scaring scenes and convincing scenes that reveal Neo Nazi skin heads bonding. In their meetings led by Derek, they take drugs, beer, engrave tattoos, and carry heavy metal with them. In the Neo Nazi’s world, slogans replace thought, fuelling a mindless hatred towards their black enemies and the film brings out the best of this movement. Neo Nazi mo vement comes out strongly from American History X film. Neo Nazi movement also called skinheads have their origin in England after World War II. According to Prejudice Institute, â€Å"the first wave of what we today recognize as skins polarized themselves in the 1970s. This happened against the various youth counterculture movements† (â€Å"Prejudice Institute† web). ... In 1980, a second wave of this movement was in action when Ian Stuart founded Neo Nazi movement. Apparently, he was a singer and the leader of the Screwdriver band that played an important role in the spread of the movement. The group identified themselves by Nazism and belief in white power and they portrayed it through their way of shaving heads, tattoos, t-shirts, and their confrontational style. Neo Nazi movement cemented its operations in the 1990s because it took advantage of independence war and other ethnic conflicts in of Croatia. To catch the attention of the media, Neo Nazi movement brutally attacked tourists and foreigners, gay people, and people from other cultures. According to Libcom, some of their memorable attacks came in 2003 when Neo-Nazi skinheads attacked six people including five old people and 11-year old boy from Egypt (Kontrrazvedka web). Neo Nazi has links with order supremacist groups like KKK and White Aryan resistance (WAR). Stuart published books by name blood and honour that he distributed to older white supremacies in the US to gather membership. Statistics reveals that skinheads age range from 13 to 27 years mostly teens from various social economic backgrounds. Most get to enrol in high school and continue through college and at work. Recruitment happens at the concerts that attract many young people to listen to Neo Nazi’s music and performances. For instance, Screwdriver songs like White Power and Nigger performed mainly on Hitler’s birthday or at Hate Festivals are tools of transformation. Skinheads also use publications and cyberspaces to promote their ideas and recruit members (â€Å"Prejudice Institute† web). According to Cooter, the group have adopted a new tactic for